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Pinus classification
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There are three main subgenera of Pinus, the subgenus Strobus (White pines or soft pines), the subgenus Ducampopinus (Pinyon, Bristlecone and Lacebark pines), and the subgenus Pinus (Typical pines, or yellow or hard pines). This classification into the three subgenera is based on cone, seed and leaf characters:
* Subgenus Strobus Scale without a sealing band. Umbo terminal. Seedwings adnate. One fibrovascular bundle per leaf.
* Subgenus Ducampopinus Scale without a sealing band. Umbo dorsal. Seedwings articulate. One fibrovascular bundle per leaf.
* Subgenus Pinus Scale with a sealing band. Umbo dorsal. Seedwings articulate. Two fibrovascular bundles per leaf.
Notice that in many respects, subgenus Ducampopinus is intermediate between (and possibly ancestral to) the other two subgenera. In many classifications, it is combined into subgenus Strobus, but it could with equal justification have been included in subgenus Pinus (as was done in an early classification by the Californian botanist J G Lemmon in 1888), yet it does not sit comfortably in either so is best treated as a third subgenus in its own right. In general, cone and cone scale and seed morphology and leaf fascicle and sheath morphology are emphasized and this seems to result in a classification that has subsections of pines that are understandable and usually readily recognized by their general appearance. Pines with one fibrovascular bundle per leaf, i.e. subgenera Strobus and Ducampopinus, are known as haploxylon pines, while pines with two fibrovascular bundles per leaf, i.e. subgenus Pinus, are called diploxylon pines. Diploxylon pines tend to have harder timber and more amounts of resin than the haploxylon pines.
* 1 Pinus Classificiation
o 1.1 Subgenus Strobus: white or soft pines
o 1.2 Subgenus Ducampopinus: Pinyon, Lacebark and Foxtail Pines
o 1.3 Subgenus Pinus - yellow or hard pines
o 1.4 External links
[edit] Pinus Classificiation
[edit] Subgenus Strobus: white or soft pines
* Section Quinquefoliae (section Strobus): white pines
o Subsection Strobi: North America, Central America, Europe and Asia
+ P. amamiana - Yakushima White Pine
+ P. armandii - Chinese White Pine
+ P. ayacahuite - Mexican White Pine
+ P. bhutanica - Bhutan White Pine
+ P. chiapensis - Chiapas White Pine
+ P. dabeshanensis - Dabieshan Pine
+ P. dalatensis - Vietnamese White Pine
+ P. fenzeliana - Hainan White Pine
+ P. flexilis - Limber Pine
+ P. lambertiana - Sugar Pine
+ P. morrisonicola - Taiwan White Pine
+ P. monticola - Western White Pine
+ P. parviflora - Japanese White Pine
+ P. peuce - Macedonian Pine
+ P. pumila - Siberian Dwarf Pine
+ P. reflexa - Southwestern White Pine
+ P. strobiformis - Chihuahua White Pine
+ P. strobus - Eastern White Pine
+ P. wallichiana - Blue Pine
+ P. wangii - Guangdong White Pine
o Subsection Cembrae: Europe, northern Asia, western North America
+ P. albicaulis - Whitebark Pine
+ P. cembra - Swiss Pine
+ P. koraiensis - Korean Pine
+ P. sibirica - Siberian Pine
[edit] Subgenus Ducampopinus: Pinyon, Lacebark and Foxtail Pines
* Section Parrya
o Subsection Nelsonianae - northeastern Mexico
+ P. nelsonii - Nelson's Pinyon
o Subsection Krempfianae - Vietnam
+ P. krempfii Krempf's Pine
o Subsection Gerardianae - Lacebark pines, Central Asia
+ P. bungeana - Lacebark Pine
+ P. gerardiana - Chilgoza Pine
+ P. squamata - Qiaojia Pine
o Subsection Rzedowskianae - big-cone pinyons, Mexico
+ P. maximartinezii - Big-cone Pinyon
+ P. pinceana - Weeping Pinyon
+ P. rzedowskii - Rzedowski's Pinyon
o Subsection Cembroides - Pinyons (Piñons), Mexico, southwest United States
+ P. cembroides - Mexican Pinyon
+ P. culminicola - Potosi Pinyon
+ P. discolor - Border Pinyon
+ P. edulis - Colorado Pinyon
+ P. johannis - Johann's Pinyon
+ P. monophylla - Single-leaf Pinyon
+ P. orizabensis - Orizaba Pinyon
+ P. quadrifolia - Parry Pinyon
+ P. remota - Texas Pinyon or Papershell Pinyon
o Subsection Balfourianae - Foxtail pines, southwest United States
+ P. aristata - Rocky Mountains Bristlecone Pine
+ P. balfouriana - Foxtail Pine
+ P. longaeva - Great Basin Bristlecone Pine
[edit] Subgenus Pinus - yellow or hard pines
* Section Pinus - mostly in Europe, Asia, except for P. resinosa in northeast North America and P. tropicalis in Cuba.
o Subsection Pinus
+ P. densata - Sikang Pine
+ P. densiflora - Japanese Red Pine
+ P. heldreichii - Bosnian Pine
+ P. hwangshanensis - Huangshan Pine
+ P. kesiya - Khasi Pine
+ P. luchuensis - Luchu Pine
+ P. massoniana - Masson's Pine
+ P. mugo - Mountain Pine
+ P. nigra - European Black Pine
+ P. resinosa - Red Pine
+ P. sylvestris - Scots Pine
+ P. tabuliformis - Chinese Red Pine
+ P. taiwanensis - Taiwan Red Pine
+ P. thunbergii - Japanese Black Pine
+ P. tropicalis - Tropical Pine
+ P. yunnanensis - Yunnan Pine
* Section Pinea - Mediterranean pines
o Subsection Pineae
+ P. pinea - Stone Pine
o Subsection Pinaster
+ P. brutia - Turkish Pine
+ P. canariensis - Canary Island Pine
+ P. halepensis - Aleppo Pine
+ P. latteri - Tenasserim Pine
+ P. merkusii - Sumatran Pine
+ P. pinaster - Maritime Pine
+ P. roxburghii - Chir Pine
* Section Trifoliae - American hard pines
o Subsection Leiophyllae - Mexico, southwestern United States
+ P. leiophylla - Chihuahua Pine
+ P. lumholtzii - Lumholtz' Pine
o Subsection Australes - North America, Central America, Caribbean
+ P. caribaea - Caribbean Pine
+ P. clausa - Sand Pine
+ P. cubensis - Cuban Pine
+ P. echinata - Shortleaf Pine
+ P. elliottii - Slash Pine
+ P. glabra - Spruce Pine
+ P. hondurensis - Honduras Pine
+ P. occidentalis - Hispaniolan Pine
+ P. palustris - Longleaf Pine
+ P. pungens - Table Mountain Pine
+ P. rigida - Pitch Pine
+ P. serotina - Pond Pine
+ P. taeda - Loblolly Pine
+ P. virginiana - Virginia Pine
o Subsection Contortae - North America
+ P. banksiana - Jack Pine
+ P. contorta - Lodgepole Pine
o Subsection Oocarpae - Central America, Mexico, western United States.
+ P. attenuata - Knobcone Pine
+ P. greggii - Gregg's Pine
+ P. herrerae - Herrera's Pine
+ P. jaliscana - Jalisco Pine
+ P. lawsonii - Lawson's Pine
+ P. muricata - Bishop Pine
+ P. oocarpa - Egg-cone Pine
+ P. patula - Patula Pine
+ P. praetermissa - McVaugh's Pine
+ P. pringlei - Pringle's Pine
+ P. radiata - Monterey Pine
+ P. tecunumanii - Tecun Uman Pine
+ P. teocote - Ocote Pine
o Subsection Ponderosae - Central America, Mexico, western United States, southwest Canada.
+ P. apulcensis - Apulco Pine
+ P. arizonica - Arizona Pine
+ P. cooperi - Cooper's Pine
+ P. coulteri - Coulter Pine
+ P. devoniana - Michoacan Pine
+ P. durangensis - Durango Pine
+ P. engelmanii - Apache Pine
+ P. estevezii - Estevez's Pine
+ P. gordoniana - Gordon's Pine
+ P. hartwegii - Hartweg's Pine
+ P. jeffreyi - Jeffrey Pine
+ P. maximinoi - Thinleaf Pine
+ P. montezumae - Montezuma Pine
+ P. ponderosa - Ponderosa Pine
+ P. pseudostrobus - Smooth-bark Mexican Pine
+ P. sabiniana - Gray Pine
+ P. torreyana - Torrey Pine
[edit] External links
Tree of Life Web favors classification of Ducampopinus species in Strobus.
NCBI Taxonomy server files Ducampopinus species above as Strobus.
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Category: Pinaceae
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